I do not have to… You do not have to.

I just had a physical reaction to someone. I believe this person wronged me in not a nice way so I am still very weary of them. Well, if I am to be honest, I should say, I harbor unforgiveness toward them. I have walked around on edges avoiding them and steering clear up until a few minutes ago when I bumped into them again.

There it was – that slight quiver in my heart that is accompanied with a skip.

I am tired of this reaction toward them. I really am. So again, like how God has used this blog to enable me slowly let go of my tenacious hold on worry, I am letting this one go as well. Placing it with Jesus and saying,

Dear God, surely this is not what you intended for me. I know that we are destined to be one of those great friendships but you alone know how the road is going to bend between here and then. I release her from my hurting grip and pray that one day, I will be able to say this to her face. I pray for your continued healing in my heart and hers and that the rips that have result over the past will be covered by your love. I acknowledge my own pain and know only you can stop the quiver that always returns every time, we meet. You are a God of love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness – You have equipped me to live a life that exudes all these principles. You have also given me the power over emotion, hurt, aching, pain and all that is of this earth, so I intend to leave this one behind and walk with you toward the destiny you have prepared for me. I thank you that one day we shall look back and bless you for how far you have brought us. In Jesus name, Amen.

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